Throughout the New Testament, we see that God’s Plan A for reaching the world with the gospel is the local church. Christians are expected and commanded to commit to a local congregation as they commit to Christ. We believe that a Christian without a local church is an orphan. As Christians, we have been adopted by God into His family and now live out our Christians lives in the context of the local church.
The terminology of “membership” comes from 1 Corinthians 12, where Paul shares that we are all “members” of one body (the church). So when we talk about membership at The Oaks Church, we are not talking about a grocery store membership or a country club membership, but a membership of the body of Christ. To be a member of The Oaks is to be a member of a family. And we invite you to do just that- to join this family!


Every month we have a series of classes called Starting Point for those who want to learn more about our what it means to be a member at The Oaks. In our Starting Point classes, you are able to have your questions answered, meet with the pastors, and see why so many others call The Oaks Church their home. We would love for you to join us for our next class. Starting Point is a 3 week class that meets during the 10:45am Hour.


Once you have attended our Starting Point class, the next step is to schedule a time to meet with an elder of the church. During this meeting, you will get to share your testimony and get to know one of our elders. This is also a great time to ask any questions about the church that you may have.


The final step in the membership process is for the congregation to approve potential members. This happens every other month at our members meetings. Once potential members become new members, the congregation joyfully welcomes the new members as family.
Email Jfunchess@TheOaksCincy.com For More Information About Our Next Starting Point Class.