Little oaks

About Little Oaks

The mission of Little Oaks is no different than the mission of our church: Little Oaks exists to bring restoration through the gospel to Cincinnati and the world. In order to accomplish this mission, our church comes alongside parents by equipping moms and dads to raise their kids in the gospel by providing safe and joyful childcare during the Sunday gathering. The Scriptures teach that parents are to be the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, so our hope at The Oaks is to partner with parents to this end.

Sunday Morning

Every week we aim to make disciples of our children! We do games and lessons that teach them God's truth and allow them to have fun! Please come to the Check-in table for more information! Little Oaks is split into 2 classes: ages 18 months - 3 years & pre-k - Kindergarten. Both hours cover similar content in different ways so you're more than welcome to have your child attend both.

9:00am Hour

During the 9:00am Hour, childcare is available for kids. Little Oaks will start with worship, go into a lesson & have time to play.

10:45am Hour

During the 10:45am Hour, childcare is available for kids. Little Oaks will start with worship, have an activity or craft, snack & play.

About Little Oaks

Wellness Policy

The Oaks Church is committed to maintaining a safe and positive environment for all children. In order to support this effort, we ask that you adhere to our guidelines. Close contact between children is inevitable, but we hope to keep exposure to germs to a minimum. 

Bathroom Policy

Anytime a children has to use the restroom two volunteers go with them. If a children needs help, only female volunteers are permitted to help and must crack the stall with the volunteer maintaining a line of sight on the stall.

Meet the team leader.

Noelle Kelleher

Team Leader
Noelle Kelleher is the team leader for Little Oaks! If you have any questions or need anything please reach out to her at: