About Junior Oaks
Junior Oaks is our ministry to elementary age children. The mission of Junior Oaks is no different than the mission of our church: Junior Oaks exists to bring restoration through the gospel to Cincinnati and the world. In order to accomplish this mission, our church comes alongside parents by equipping moms and dads to raise their kindergarten through fifth graders in the gospel by providing safe and joyful discipleship during the Sunday gathering. The Scriptures teach that parents are to be the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, so our hope at The Oaks is to partner with parents to this end. We also know that children come from all kinds of homes and the church has the responsibility to be a spiritual family for every child.

Sunday Morning
We have two different discipleship opportunities for our Junior Oaks on Sunday mornings. Junior Oaks is split into 2 classes: Grades 1-3 & Grades 4-6. Both hours cover similar content in different ways so you're more than welcome to have your child attend both.
9:00am Hour
During the 9:00am hour, Junior Oaks will start with worship, have a lesson & a craft, prayer & play time.
10:45am Hour
During the 10:45am, Junior Oaks will start with scripture memory, lesson review & application, snack & play time.
About Junior Oaks

The Gospel Project
During the Gathering, we teach the Gospel Project. This curriculum teaches the entire story of Scripture over 3 years. It reveals the good news of God's rescue in each part of the Bible. Each unit includes a big picture question and memory verse for you to practice with your child throughout the week.

Age-Specific Learning
We recognize that the years of 5-11 are integral in the life of a child's spiritual development. Each week, our Junior Oaks are taught a lesson that is accessible for their age group. Our volunteer leaders help our Junior Oaks kids apply the lesson through application to their current life stage and answer any questions.

Family Integrated Worship
While we have a specific teaching time for our children, we value moments that a child can worship alongside their parents and church family. That is why our Junior Oaks begin in the auditorium to worship with everyone. The balance of time in the auditorium and an age-specific time learning alongside their peers is a way to teach through modeling and instruction.
Meet the team.
Our Junior Oaks team is excited to meet your kids and serve your family! Each Junior Oaks volunteer is background checked and trained to help your child grow in their knowledge of God.

Joy Jackson
Junior Oaks Leader
Joy Jackson is the team leader for Junior Oaks! If you have any questions or need anything please reach out to her at : connect@theoakscincy.com